York University

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Social and Behavioural Sciences and Law

Anthropology Bachelor
Anti-Racist Research and Practice Certificate
Business Economics (iBA) Bachelor
Business Economics / Économie et commerce Bachelor; Honours
Children, Childhood and Youth (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Cognitive Science (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Communication & Media Studies Bachelor; Honours
Communications Bachelor; Honours
Criminology (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Digital Media (BA AMPD) Bachelor; Honours
Digital Media (BA Lassonde) Bachelor; Honours
East Asian Studies Bachelor; Honours
Economics (BA) Bachelor
Economics / Science économique Bachelor
Engineering & International Development Studies (BEng+BA) Bachelor; Honours
Environmental Arts and Justice Bachelor
Financial & Business Economics (BA) Bachelor; Honours
French Studies (BA) Bachelor; Honours
French Studies (iBA) Bachelor
Gender & Women's Studies (BA) Bachelor; Honours
German Studies Bachelor; Honours
Global Geography Bachelor
Global Political Studies Bachelor; Honours
Human Rights & Equity Studies (BA Honours) Bachelor; Honours
Indigenous Studies (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Interdisciplinary Social Science (BA) Bachelor; Honours
International Development Studies (BA) Bachelor; Honours
International Studies & Business Administration / Études internationales & administration des affair Bachelor; Honours
International Studies (BA Honours) Bachelor; Honours
Italian Studies Bachelor; Honours
Law & Society (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Law and Society Certificate
Political Science (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Political Science (iBA) Bachelor; Honours
Psychology Bachelor; Honours
Psychology/Psychologie Bachelor; Honours
Refugee and Migration Studies Certificate
Science and Technology Studies Bachelor; Honours
Sexuality Studies Certificate
Sexuality Studies (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Sociology Bachelor; Honours
Sociology/Sociologie Bachelor; Honours
Sustainable Environmental Management Bachelor
Women’s Studies (Theory and Practice) Certificate

Humanities and Languages

Anti-Racist Research & Practice Certificate
Classical Studies/Classics (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Creative Writing (BA) Bachelor; Honours
English Bachelor; Honours
English & Professional Writing Bachelor; Honours
English Studies / Études anglaises Bachelor; Honours
French Proficiency Certificate
Hebrew and Jewish Studies Certificate
Hellenic Studies (BA) Bachelor
History (BA) Bachelor; Honours
History / Histoire (iBA) Bachelor; Honours
Humanities (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Jewish Studies (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Linguistics & Language Studies / Linguistique et sciences du langage Bachelor; Honours
Linguistics (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Philosophy (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Philosophy / Philosophie Bachelor; Honours
Portuguese & Luso-Brazilian Studies (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Professional Writing (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Redaction Professionalle Certificate
Religious Studies (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Spanish Bachelor; Honours
Spanish-English Translation Certificate
Technical and Professional Writing Certificate
Translation / Traduction Bachelor; Honours
Undecided Major / Majeure non déterminée Bachelor; Honours
Undeclared Major Bachelor

Business, Management and Public Administration

Physical and Life Sciences and Technologies

Biochemistry (BSc) Bachelor; Honours
Biology (Honours) Bachelor; Honours
Biology / Biologie Bachelor; Honours
Biomedical Science (BSc) Bachelor; Honours
Biophysics (BSc) Bachelor; Honours
Biotechnology (BSc) Bachelor; Honours
Chemistry (BSc Honours) Bachelor; Honours
Earth and Atmospheric Science Bachelor; Honours
Environmental Biology (BSc) Bachelor; Honours
Meteorology Certificate
Neuroscience Bachelor; Honours
Physics & Astronomy (BSc) Bachelor; Honours

Health, Parks, Recreation and Fitness

Architecture, Engineering, and Related Technologies

Civil Engineering (BEng) Bachelor; Honours
Computer Engineering (BEng) Bachelor; Honours
Electrical Engineering (BEng) Bachelor; Honours
Engineering Bachelor; Honours
Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Certificate
Geomatics Engineering Bachelor; Honours
Mechanical Engineering (BEng) Bachelor; Honours
Software Engineering (BEng) Bachelor; Honours
Space Engineering (BEng) Bachelor; Honours
Urban Studies (iBA) Bachelor; Honours

Visual and Performing Arts, and Communications Technologies

Cinema & Media Arts Bachelor
Cinema & Media Arts: Production Bachelor
Cinema & Media Arts: Screenwriting Bachelor
Dance Bachelor; Honours
Design (BDes) Bachelor; Honours
Integrative Arts Bachelor
Music (BFA) Bachelor
Theatre Bachelor; Honours
Visual Arts (BFA) Bachelor; Honours

Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences

Applied Mathematics (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Computer Science Bachelor; Honours
Computer Security Bachelor; Honours
Information Technology (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Mathematical Biology (BSc) Bachelor; Honours
Mathematics (BSc) Bachelor; Honours
Mathematics / Mathématiques Bachelor; Honours
Statistics (BSc) Bachelor; Honours


Personal Improvement and Leisure

Business & Society (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Undecided Major Bachelor; Honours
Undeclared Major (BES) Bachelor

Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation

Personal, Culinary, Protective and Transportation Services

Modified on September 19, 2024

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